API Documentation

The documentation of the API shows how to access and interact with Alphabet’s database and tools.
It is fully browsable, allowing the user to submit data and preview the results of requests while navigating through this comprehensive resource. With a few lines of code, all the capabilities shown here can be used in custom tools, font editors and websites.

Test the API

Make a GET request (json)

Make a GET request (api)


GET /tools/api/


      Allow: OPTIONS, GET
      Content-Type: application/json
      Vary: Accept
                "name": "languages",
                "description": "list of languages",
                "versions": [
                "name": "scripts",
                "description": "list of unicode scripts",
                "versions": [
                "name": "languagesystems",
                "description": "languagesystems",
                "versions": "https://www.alphabet-type.com/tools/api/v1.0/localisation/languagesystem/"
                "name": "territories",
                "versions": [
                "name": "group",
                "description": "list of characterset groups",
                "versions": [
                "name": "characterset",
                "description": "list of charactersets",
                "versions": [
                "name": "charset-checker list",
                "description": "list of characterset groups",
                "versions": [
                "name": "charset-checker font",
                "description": "list of charactersets",
                "versions": [
                "name": "charset-builder",
                "description": "list of charactersets",
                "versions": [